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Air Cooler Cleaner Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors in Kolkata, India

In the bustling city of Kolkata, businesses constantly seek efficient solutions to maintain their machinery and ensure operational efficiency. One crucial component of industrial maintenance is the Air Cooler Cleaner, a product essential for keeping air cooling systems in optimal condition. At East India Chemicals, we pride ourselves on offering top-quality Air Cooler Cleaner solutions designed to meet various industrial needs. 

Composition and Description

Our Air Cooler Cleaner is formulated with a blend of non-toxic, biodegradable chemicals that effectively remove oil, grease, and dirt build-up in air coolers. The cleaner is designed to be safe on metals and other materials commonly found in cooling systems, ensuring that it does not corrode or damage components.

Usage and Application Areas

The Air Cooler Cleaner from East India Chemicals is incredibly versatile and can be used in a range of industries including maritime, manufacturing, and automotive sectors. It is particularly effective in environments where air coolers are susceptible to heavy contamination from industrial processes.

Unique Benefits

Choosing our Air Cooler Cleaner comes with several advantages:

  • Efficiency: Rapidly cleans and restores efficiency of air coolers.
  • Safety: Safe for use on copper, aluminum, brass, and steel.
  • Environmentally Friendly: Made from biodegradable components that minimize environmental impact.

About the Company

East India Chemicals has been a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of industrial cleaning chemicals in Kolkata for over two decades. Our commitment to quality, customer satisfaction, and environmental sustainability makes us a preferred partner for many local and national businesses.

Packaging Info

We offer our Air Cooler Cleaner in various packaging options to suit different business sizes and needs, including 5 kg, 25 kg, and 200 kg drums.

Shipping Facility Location and Payment Terms

Our main shipping facility is strategically located near major transportation hubs in Kolkata, enabling quick and efficient delivery. We offer flexible payment terms to accommodate different customer needs, ensuring a smooth transaction process.

Shipping Ports Near Kolkata

For businesses requiring shipping beyond local borders, we are equipped to handle logistics through major shipping ports near Kolkata, such as the Kolkata Port and Haldia Port. This ensures that our customers have access to our products wherever they are located.

Trade Method

For inquiries and orders, please contact us at Our team is ready to assist you with any information or support you may need regarding our products and services.


Choosing the right Air Cooler Cleaner is crucial for maintaining the efficiency and longevity of air cooling systems. At East India Chemicals, we offer products that not only meet the highest standards of quality but also come with the assurance of environmental safety and customer-focused service. For any business in Kolkata and beyond looking for reliable and effective air cooler cleaning solutions, East India Chemicals stands ready to meet your needs.

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