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Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate Suppliers, Manufacturers, and Distributors in Kolkata, India

In the vibrant industrial landscape of Kolkata, Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate (Na2HPO4) stands out as a critical chemical compound with extensive applications across various sectors. Known for its role in numerous biochemical processes and industrial applications, sourcing high-quality Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is crucial for businesses aiming for top-tier production standards. "East India Chemicals" proudly serves as a leading supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate in Kolkata, ensuring that industries access the best quality products seamlessly.

What is Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate?

Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is an inorganic compound that is soluble in water, forming a colorless, odorless solution. It is commonly used in the form of a dodecahydrate (Na2HPO4ยท12H2O), which is integral to various applications due to its buffering properties.

Applications and Uses

  1. Food Industry: Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is widely utilized as an emulsifier, buffering agent, and a leavening agent in processed foods such as cheeses, desserts, and baked goods. It helps regulate acidity and maintain stability in food products.
  2. Water Treatment: It plays a significant role in water treatment facilities. By softening water and preventing the formation of scale in boilers and pipes, it ensures efficient water purification processes.
  3. Pharmaceuticals: In the pharmaceutical sector, Na2HPO4 is used to manufacture tablets as a buffering agent. It helps maintain the necessary pH in various medicinal formulations, enhancing drug stability and efficacy.
  4. Detergents and Cleaning Agents: This compound is also a key ingredient in many detergents and cleaning solutions. It aids in the emulsification of dirt and oils, making it easier to clean surfaces and fabrics.
  5. Agriculture: Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate serves as a fertilizer in agriculture, providing essential nutrients to plants, particularly phosphorus, which is vital for plant growth.

Strategic Importance in Kolkata

Kolkata, with its strategic geographic location and developed infrastructure, has emerged as a pivotal hub for the chemical manufacturing sector. This city's industrial zones are equipped with state-of-the-art facilities that facilitate the high-scale production of chemicals like Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate. The proximity to major transport networks enables efficient distribution locally and nationally, bolstering supply chain efficiencies.

Quality Assurance

At "East India Chemicals," quality is our priority. We adhere to strict quality control measures to ensure that every batch of Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate meets industry standards and customer expectations. Our products undergo rigorous testing to guarantee purity, efficacy, and safety.

Product Inquiry

For businesses and industries looking to source Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate in Kolkata, "East India Chemicals" offers unparalleled service and quality. Contact us at for product inquiries, bulk orders, and detailed information about our products and services.


Di Sodium Hydrogen Phosphate is an essential compound with diverse applications that span numerous industries. As a leading supplier in Kolkata, "East India Chemicals" is dedicated to providing top-quality products and services, ensuring that your business needs are met with professionalism and precision. Reach out to us to explore how our products can enhance your operations and contribute to your success.

For more information and to place your orders, please contact us at

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