Leading the Way: The Role of Lead Nitrate in Kolkata’s Industries

In the bustling industrial landscape of Kolkata, India, lead nitrate plays a crucial role in various applications, ranging from mining to chemical synthesis. As a premier supplier, manufacturer, and distributor of lead nitrate, East India Chemicals is committed to providing high-quality products that meet the diverse needs of Kolkata’s industries. 

Unlocking the Potential of Sodium Thiosulphate Crystals: Your Trusted Partner in Kolkata's Industrial Landscape

Sodium thiosulphate, a versatile chemical compound, stands as a cornerstone in various industrial applications, aiding processes across diverse sectors. East India Chemicals, a renowned supplier, manufacturer, and distributor based in Kolkata, India, takes pride in providing high-quality sodium thiosulphate crystals tailored to meet the specific needs of industries in Kolkata and beyond. 

Revolutionizing Industries with Polyethylene Glycol: A Premier Guide by East India Chemicals

In the bustling industrial landscape of Kolkata, polyethylene glycol (PEG) stands out as a cornerstone for myriad applications across diverse sectors. East India Chemicals, a leader in the manufacture and supply of high-quality PEG, is dedicated to meeting the evolving needs of these industries with superior products. 

Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK): Driving Industrial Innovation in Kolkata’s Chemical Landscape

As Kolkata emerges as a central hub for chemical manufacturing in India, East India Chemicals remains at the forefront, specializing in the production of Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK), a pivotal solvent used across numerous sectors. 

What is Methyl Ethyl Ketone (MEK)?

Toluene: A Vital Component in Kolkata's Chemical Industry Landscape

Kolkata, known for its rich history and dynamic culture, is also becoming a beacon for industrial development, particularly in the chemical sector. A critical player in this growth is East India Chemicals, which specializes in the production of Toluene—a solvent widely used across various industries due to its versatile properties. 

What is Toluene?

Revolutionizing Industries: The Role of Mixed Xylene in Kolkata’s Chemical Sector

Kolkata, renowned for its historical importance and cultural heritage, is also an emerging powerhouse in the chemical manufacturing industry. At the forefront of this industrial advancement is East India Chemicals, a leading producer of Mixed Xylene—a vital solvent and raw material in numerous industrial processes. 

What is Mixed Xylene?
